
Have you ever wondered what a few minutes of daily quiet reflection could do for your overall well-being?

The practice of meditation has transcended from ancient traditions to modern-day life, offering a plethora of scientifically proven benefits that can positively impact your mind, body, and spirit.

Join me on a journey as we explore the Top 20 Benefits of Meditating, and discover how this simple yet profound practice can transform your life in ways you never imagined.

2009 AVP Beach Volleyball Photoshoot with Ty Loomis & Diana Elizabeth @tyroneloomis

My Meditation Experience as a Professional Beach Volleyball Athlete

Meditation has been an absolute game-changer in my life as a professional beach volleyball player.

The practice of meditation has not only enhanced my physical performance but has also significantly impacted my mental fortitude on the court. By incorporating mindfulness and meditation into my daily routine, I’ve experienced heightened focus, improved decision-making abilities, and a remarkable reduction in pre-game anxiety.

This has translated into a newfound sense of calm under pressure, empowering me to compete at the highest level with unwavering confidence and resilience. The transformative influence of meditation has been nothing short of astounding, revolutionizing my approach to the sport and contributing to my success as a professional beach volleyball player.

Meditation is a practice that offers benefits to all individuals, not just Professional Beach Volleyball Players. By incorporating meditation into daily life, anyone can experience the positive impact it has on mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

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Benefits of Meditation

Meditation offers a multitude of benefits that encompass mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Let’s delve into the significance of the top 20 benefits of meditation with detailed context and examples for each:

  1. Stress Reduction

    Meditation activates the parasympathetic nervous system, lowering stress hormone levels like cortisol. This can lead to decreased anxiety and better stress management, enhancing overall well-being.

  2. Anxiety Management

    Practices like mindfulness meditation can alter brain regions associated with anxiety, helping individuals regulate their responses and reduce anxiety symptoms.

  3. Improved Focus

    Meditation enhances attentional control and cognitive flexibility, leading to improved sustained attention and concentration.

  4. Emotion Regulation

    By cultivating emotional awareness, meditation aids in better emotional regulation and increased response flexibility.

  5. Enhanced Creativity

    Meditation fosters divergent thinking and novel problem-solving, promoting creative thinking and innovative ideas.

  6. Pain Management

    Through modulating neural circuits, meditation can alter pain perception and decrease pain sensitivity, providing relief for individuals suffering from chronic pain.

  7. Better Sleep

    Various meditation techniques promote relaxation, reduce sleep disturbances, and improve overall sleep quality, leading to better rest and rejuvenation.

  8. Blood Pressure Regulation

    Meditation helps in reducing blood pressure by inducing relaxation and stress reduction, benefiting cardiovascular health and lowering the risk of heart-related issues.

  9. Immune System Boost

    Mindfulness meditation can decrease markers of inflammation, boost immune cell activity, and enhance immune system functioning, contributing to overall health.

  10. Cognitive Decline Prevention

    Meditation may help slow down age-related cognitive decline by preserving cognitive function and supporting brain health.

  11. Increased Gray Matter:

    Meditation induces structural changes in the brain, with increased gray matter density in areas linked to attention and emotional regulation, promoting cognitive functions.

  12. Enhanced Self-Awareness

    By fostering introspection and self-awareness, meditation helps individuals gain deeper insights into themselves and their thought patterns.

  13. Reduced Depression Symptoms

    Meditation can alter brain activity to reduce symptoms of depression, making it a valuable tool in managing depressive conditions.

  14. Improved Relationships

    Meditation enhances empathy, communication skills, and positive social interactions, leading to better interpersonal relationships and increased satisfaction.

  15. Better Heart Health

    By reducing risk factors like hypertension and stress, meditation contributes to cardiovascular health and lowers the risk of heart-related disorders.

  16. Enhanced Resilience

    Mindfulness meditation improves resilience to stress, enhancing psychological well-being and buffering against the negative effects of stress.

  17. Addiction Recovery Support

    Meditation aids in addiction recovery by reducing cravings, enhancing self-control, and managing impulses, providing valuable support in overcoming addictive behaviors.

  18. Improved Cognitive Control

    Meditation enhances cognitive processes such as attention and working memory, promoting better cognitive performance and mental acuity.

  19. Enhanced Brain Connectivity

    Long-term meditation practice increases functional connectivity between brain regions, improving information processing and cognitive functions.

  20. Happiness and Well-Being

    Meditation fosters positive emotions, reduces negative ones, and increases subjective well-being, promoting an overall sense of happiness and contentment.

These comprehensive 20 benefits demonstrate the transformative power of meditation in enhancing various aspects of mental, emotional, and physical health, making it a valuable practice for overall well-being.

What Does the Science of Meditation Show Us?

The positive psychological and physiological effects of meditation, often part of mindfulness-based interventions, have been thoroughly researched and consistently demonstrated across different groups, from trauma survivors to school children to individuals in therapy (Lee et al., 2017; Matiz et al., 2020; Shapiro, 2020).

The impact of meditation is extensive, with benefits that extend to physical health and mental well-being, including cognitive functioning and emotional regulation.

Research indicates decreases in anxiety, depression, stress levels, and job burnout (Matiz et al., 2020; Galante et al., 2021).

Additionally, psychological advantages have been observed, such as heightened empathy, improved body awareness, improved psychological well-being, enhanced self-directedness, improved cooperativeness, and increased self-transcendence (Matiz et al., 2020; Campanella et al., 2014; Shapiro, 2020; Galante et al., 2021).

Meditation also contributes to physical changes in the brain and improved cognitive abilities, leading to decelerated brain aging, heightened attention, increased innovation, and enhanced problem-solving skills (Shapiro, 2020).

Moreover, meditative and mindfulness practices offer other physical benefits, supported by evidence, including strengthened immune function, reduced stress, improved sleep, decreased panic attacks, increased work satisfaction, relief from chronic pain, reduced hypertension, and lowered risk of cardiovascular disease.

According to Shapiro (2020, p. 42), “thousands of studies have shown significant benefits of mindfulness practices across an array of domains in psychological, cognitive, and physical health.” The impact of meditation varies depending on individual and contextual factors (Tang, 2018).

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How to Get Started Meditating

Here are some key tips, techniques, and strategies for meditation beginners to get started:

  1. Start Small and Be Consistent

    Begin with just a few minutes a day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice. Consistency is key to reaping the benefits of meditation.

  2. Find a Quiet and Comfortable Space

    Create a peaceful environment for meditation, free from distractions, where you can sit comfortably without interruptions.

  3. Focus on your Breath

    In Yoga, they commonly refer to “Breathe is God”. Concentrate on your breathing, using it as an anchor for your attention. Observing your breath helps in staying present and calming your mind.

  4. Try Guided Meditations

    Utilize guided meditation practices available through apps or online platforms to receive step-by-step instructions and support in your meditation journey.

  5. Set a Timer

    Use a timer to establish the duration of your meditation session and avoid the need to check the time, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in the practice.

  6. Practice Mindfulness

    Cultivate mindfulness by observing your thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the environment around you without judgment.

  7. Embrace Imperfection

    Understand that it’s normal for the mind to wander during meditation. When distractions arise, acknowledge them without self-criticism and gently guide your focus back to your breath or meditation technique.

  8. Experiment with Different Meditation and Breathing Techniques

    Explore various meditation styles such as focused attention, loving-kindness meditation, body scan, and mantra meditation to find the approach that resonates with you.

  9. Learn from Experts

    Consider joining meditation classes, workshops, or groups led by experienced instructors to gain valuable insights and guidance.

  10. Be Patient and Compassionate with Yourself

    Approach meditation with kindness and patience, understanding that it’s a practice that evolves over time. Respect your journey and be gentle with yourself as you develop your meditation routine.

These tips, techniques, and strategies provide a strong foundation for beginners to start their meditation practice and foster a fulfilling and rewarding journey toward improved well-being.

Top 20 Benefits of Meditation by Ty Loomis -

Top Free and Paid Meditation Resources

The top 10 free and paid meditation resources offer a wide array of options for individuals seeking to embark on or enhance their meditation journey. These resources cater to different preferences, needs, and levels of experience, providing accessible guidance and support.

Here is a summarized overview of the top 10 free and paid meditation resources:

Free Guided Meditation Resources:

YouTube: YouTube offers great resources for free guided meditations, meditation music, techniques, and strategies. Here are some of my favorite YouTube Meditation Channels to follow.

Guided Meditations:

Great Meditation Channel

Boho Beautiful Yoga’s – Meditations Playlist

Mind Valley – Meditations Playlist

SELF – Guided Mediations Playlist

Meditation Music: Channel

Meditative Mind Channel

Magnetic Mind Channel

Meditation Relax Music Channel

Soothing Relaxation Channel

Yellow Brick Cinema Channel

Top Free Meditation Resources:

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Mental health is hard. Getting support doesn’t need to be. Our app puts the tools to feel better in your back pocket, with personalized content to manage stress and anxiety, get better sleep, and feel more present in your life. Relax your mind, and wake up as the person you want to be.

This website, app. and YouTube channel provides various meditation options daily, including guides like “7 Days of Calm” and “21 Days of Managing Stress,” and is suitable for all levels.


Provides a range of free guided visualizations and meditations, blending yoga and hypnotherapy for relaxation and total body relaxation.

Meditation Oasis

Offers guided meditations, instructions, and music for meditation that can be accessed through podcasts on platforms like Google Play and iTunes.

UCSD Health – Center for Mindfulness

Offers guided audio meditations and yoga practices prepared by the UC San Diego Center for Mindfulness to promote relaxation and peace.


A guided meditation for beginners designed to decrease stress and improve focus, offering flexibility in choosing meditation times.

Paid Meditation Resources:

Calm your mind. Change your life.

Calm offers a comprehensive meditation app with guides, stories, music tracks, and celebrity-read bedtime stories to aid relaxation and sleep.


Everything your mind needs

Take care of your mental health with proven courses and expert-led guidance to help you meet your goals.

Have more good days

Let go of everyday stress and anxiety with 500+ guided meditations and programs.

Get the sleep of your dreams

Sleep more soundly every night with bedtime meditations, exercises, and relaxing sounds.


Focuses on mindfulness on-the-go with guided exercises ranging from 3 to 40 minutes, suitable for all levels and available for a one-time fee.

Ten Percenter

Do what it actually takes to be happier

We have more resources telling us how to be happy than any humans ever. And yet many of us can’t figure it out. Why? And what does it actually take to lead a happier life?

Mindful Mamas

Welcome Mindful Mama

Mindfulness & self-care for mothers at every stage.

Specifically designed for new parents and parents-to-be, offering guided meditations and mantras to support relaxation and re-centering for every stage of parenthood.

These top 10 free and paid meditation resources cater to diverse preferences, ensuring that individuals at any stage of their meditation journey can access effective guidance, support, and practice.

Top 20 Benefits of Meditation by Ty Loomis -


Embarking on a journey to explore the 20 benefits of meditating has been an eye-opening experience. From stress reduction to enhanced cognitive function, and improved emotional well-being, the profound impact of meditation on our lives is undeniable.

As we conclude our exploration, it becomes evident that the practice of meditation holds immense potential for transforming our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. The scientific evidence and personal anecdotes highlighting the benefits serve as a testament to the power of this ancient practice.

It’s clear that the benefits of meditation are not limited to a select few, but are accessible to everyone. Whether you’re seeking stress relief, better emotional resilience, or improved cognitive abilities, meditation offers a holistic approach to enhancing your overall quality of life.

As we conclude, I would like you to consider incorporating meditation into your daily routine and to explore different meditation techniques to harness these benefits.